
MillerQuest is an advocate of sharing knowledge. And if you feel the same way let’s share som thoughts here.

All processes aimed at developing organizations also imply developing people. And that’s why the progress of the project also reflects the time and trends that we experience right now.

Holbæk Kommune


In municipalities, regions and other organizations every day life is in many places influenced by less resources for more assignments. This means that the individual person is often under pressure at work and thus in danger of losing the focus usually called for by the community in order to reach the objectives of the organization. For some employees it it even adds up to frustration, and if the situation continues for too long there’s a risk of coming under stress.

Consequently there are several good reasons to unite the organization by focusing on a mutual aim. Cohesiveness not only strengthens the vision. It also means security and zest! But the general situation in the society influences us too. For the time being the global financial crisis means that many municipalities have less income as the consequence is increasing unemployment and with it a lower taxbase. The reduced financial sources imply higher pressure on the employees who – crisis or not – still have to produce a work of quality every day.

That’s why it’s a good idea to focus on the intrinsic values of the organization. Imagine what would happen if we could raise the human resources of the organization and together catalyse a new and inspiring ordinary day with involvement and a feeling of partnership!

Derfor er det en god idé at fokusere på organisationens bløde værdier. For tænk, hvis vi kunne vække organisationens menneskelige ressourcer og sammen katalysere en ny og inspirerende hverdag med involvering og følelse af medejerskab.

These are also some of the things that MillerQuest can help you with. Let’s get on the phone one of these days and talk about it? MillerQuest’s phone number is
(+45) 29 29 13 37 and our e-mail address is:

Copyright 2009 Miller Quest Webedsign: Courage Design